Saturday 17 May 2014

Grade 2 Study Exam - 2014. Section A. Q1

This is part of a series of posts to share my preparation for the Grade 2 Study Exam that I will sit this coming November.

Section A

From the ‘Introduction’:
A1- How did Mr Toda express his unwavering commitment to kosen‐rufu, and what impact did this have on the young Daisaku Ikeda? What does this teach us about how to practise Nichiren Buddhism?

Mr Toda said, ‘No matter how great the hardships I might face, [...] I wish to continue advancing toward kosen‐rufu with all of you [...], even should I be reduced to surviving on water and wild roots or be forced to lay down my life for the sake of that cause.’

Toda's unwavering commitment to Kosen Rufu and his readiness to face any hardship that might lie ahead, filled young Daisaku Ikeda with fresh courage and a determination to support and strive alongside Mr Toda just as he had supported and striven alongside his own mentor in his youth.

The essence of what it means to practise Nichiren Buddhism is the shared struggle of mentor and disciple. This means to strive and overcome adversity together with our mentor, as we advance along the great path of kosen‐rufu. In order to do so, we must first of all understand our mentor’s struggles. It is important that we try to engrave our mentor’s fighting spirit, conduct, and wisdom in our life through our own efforts for kosen‐rufu and achieve actual victory.

Word Count: 180

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