I decided to redo the post on Section B because I finally realised the way the questions have to be answered. I'm sure most people got it the first time, but being a bit soft I only now understood that we are supposed to write 200 words IN TOTAL for the three questions (out of four) that will be asked in the actual exam.
This means that to prepare we need to write about 70 words for each question.
Section B reads: All
your answers should be based on the material in Section B: 'The Hero of
the World'. This lecture is included in thr 2012 Grade One Study Course
Material, and will also appear in the October 2012 issue of the Art of
Living, as the Gosho study for that month.
Write a short paragraph (maximum 200 words) in answer to the following questions.
In the study exam, you will be set three questions from this section.
B1. From the section "Faith in the Mystic Law is the foundation for Victory':
a) explain why the Hero of the World is another name for the Buddha.
b) What should we make our fundamental guide and standard amid the realities of daily life and society? What does this mean?
c) What is meant by 'Buddhism primarily concerns itself with victory or defeat?'
A Hero of the World is a champion of peerless wisdom, who has triumphed over suffering and delusion and acquired a state of indestructible happiness.
We should always strive to use the profound wisdom of buddhahood to discern what is of true value and build a life of genuine happiness and victory.
This is at the heart of our commitment to keep striving based on Buddhism, come what may. Our determination and actual efforts to show concrete proof of the power of faith are crucial.
B2. From the section 'Persevering with unremitting faith':
a) When is 'Unremitting faith' of paramount importance?
b) How should we regard difficulties from viewpoint of our faith?
Unremitting faith is of paramount importance when it comes to battling the three obstacles and four devils, confronting the three powerful enemies or waging a critical struggle to transform one's karma.
Difficulties forge our faith and strengthen our character. They are inescapable obstacles that we have to surmount on the road to attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime.
B3. From the section 'Forging inner strength and maintaining resolute faith'
a) What should be our state of mind to achieve victory? How do we develop such a state of mind?
b) What is the guideline that the Daishonin gives Shijo Kingo to achieve victory?
To achieve victory we need to approach life with a serene, unclouded state of mind. This entails our regular practice of morning and evening gongyo and carrying out activities for kosen rufu.
"Buddhism is reason. Reason will win over your Lord'. Those who live their lives with honesty and integrity based on faith in the Mystic Law will win in all areas as a matter of course.
B4. From the section 'The bonds of mentor and disciple in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism':
a) What is required of disciples to ensure the eternal transmission of the Law?
b) How did president Makiguchi and president Toda describe winning?
The transmission of the Law can only be undertaken by disciples who struggle with the same selfless dedication of the Daishonin.
Tsunesaburo Makiguchi describes winning as the 'lifeblood of the Daishonin's Buddhism'.
Mr Toda asserted that although winning and losing are both parts of life, Buddhism means being victorious.
I'm still really unsure with the answer to question B4, but I did my best.
Check out the other sections:
Section A1
Section A2
Section B (quotes)
Section C
Section D
Grade 1 Wrap-up
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